Le 2016/10/31 11:02 +0100, Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński a écrit:
> Hello maintainers!
> Long time no see... Here's an article I've just read. I think that we're
> doing pretty well in this regard! Still, it's good to be actively
> conscious of the issue.
> http://sealedabstract.com/rants/conduct-unbecoming-of-a-hacker/

Looks like somebody hasn't quite grasped yet that the Internet of today
is used mostly by non-IT consumers, unlike their beloved Internet of the
90's, which was mostly reserved to tech people (the rest was parked in a
special area called AOL).
Is he going to whine about it until he runs out of breath? Is he also
going to whine that those tech types of the 90's built an easy-to-use
Internet that eventually allowed any non-IT consumer to connect to it
like it were an AOL browser?

Free email addresses for everybody doesn't seem like such a smart move
now, hmmm? :)



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