cgrzemba--- via maintainers <> escreveu no dia
segunda, 13/05/2019 à(s) 13:40:

> I am not sure if we should replace wp completely. There some pages which
> generated from dynamic content, like package list. So we should first
> define which content we want keep and which get rid of.

Please correct me if I'm wrong; this is what I remember about the Wordpress

Those parts of code are not that related to Wordpress. They are pieces of
code written by us (OpenCSW) and that access tables that are made by us.
Wordpress serves us only as a framework, a glue between our custom code and
the HTTP server. We could relatively easily run the custom pieces of code
without Wordpress. It would require adapting the code, but we would not
need to rewrite everything.

Carsten, if you are spending any time on this, perhaps you could inventory
the custom pages? Basically, what are the URLs and code locations. Then we
could see what to do; continue with Wordpress or migrate to a more
lightweight PHP framework.

We could also run PHP from cron (daily?) to generate static HTTP pages,
depending how many generated pages there are.


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