Menyembunyikan Aib & Kesalahan Orang Lain
  Kalian harus menyembunyikan kesalahan & aib saudaramu dan teman-teman kalian, 
karena Allah juga menyembunyikan kesalahan manusia. Kalian jangan mengexpos 
kesalahan dan aib saudaramu untuk kepentinganmu ditengah-tengah kesalahannya. 
Apabila kalian menyembunyikan aib  mereka, maka Allah pun akan menutupi aib 
kalian. Inilah yang dimaksud dengan Nama Allah Al-Sattar ( Yang Maha 
Menyembunyikan Kesalahan)
  Jangan Mengekspos aib dan kesalahan mereka, janganlah berkata yang 
menyakitkan, maka Allah pun akan menyembunyikan Aib kalian. Jika kalian 
memiliki kesalahan dan aib, maka kalianpun berusaha menyembunyikannya didalam 
hati kalian, Jika kalian sendiri menyembunyikan kesalahan dan aib kalian, maka 
mengapa kalian mengekspos aib orang lain. Tutupi aib orang lain, maka Allah swt 
bersumpah dengan Kemuliaan & KebesaranNya, " Bahwa Aku akan mengutuk siapapun 
yang mengekspos aib dan kesalahan saudaranya serta membicarakan keburukan 
saudaranya yang telah lalu".
  Hide Their Mistakes
  You have to be concealers of your brothers’ and sisters ‘faults as God is the 
Concealer of the sins of human beings. You must not show up their mistakes for 
you yourself are in the midst of mistakes. If you do not show their mistakes, 
God will never show your mistake. This is the meaning of Sattâr, the Concealer. 
  Hide their mistakes; don’t speak ill of your brothers and sisters, and God 
will hide your mistakes. For everyone has mistakes they are hiding in their 
heart. If you take such care to hide your own mistakes, why do you bring out 
the mistakes of the others? Hide others’ mistakes, and God has sworn on His 
Honor and Greatness that He is going to curse anyone that is not going to hide 
the mistakes of his brothers and sisters, or hide whatever bad events have 
passed concerning them.
  (Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani qs, Mursid Naqshbandi Haqqani, 64 years, live 
in Michigan USA, Master Syariah from Al-Azhar, Medical Docter from Belgium, dan 
master Sufi dibawah bimbingan Mawlana Syaikh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani )
  'Our Grandshaykh Abdullah Daghestani says 'I am always surprised to hear 
peple say, when told about hell, "O My Lord! Protect us from Hell." They asked 
the wrong thing. They should say "O My Lord! Protect us from bad actions and 
reasons that would lead us to hell!" Don't fear hell, but fear your bad 
  Mawlana Syaikh Abdullah Faiz Dagestani ( wafat 1974) berkata, " Saya selalu 
heran mendengar orang berkata tentang neraka," Ya Allah, lindungi kami dari api 
neraka". Mereka meminta sesuatu yang salah, seharusnya mereka berkata, "Ya 
Allah, lindungi diri kami dari ego dan perbuatan buruk kami, yang menyebabkan 
kami masuk neraka". "Janganlah kalian takut  pada api neraka, tetapi takutlah 
kalian akan perbuatan buruk kalian".
Sulthanul Awliya Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al Haqqani ( Usia 87 tahun, tinggal 
di Lefke, Mursyid Naqshbandi Haqqani Dunia )

    If you never searched for truth, come with us
  and you will become a seeker
  If you were never a musician, come with us
  and you will find your voice
  You may posses immense wealth, come with us
  and you will become love's beggar
  You may think yourself a master, come with us
  and love will turn you into a slave
  If you've lost your spirit, come with us
  take off your silk coverings, put on our rough cloak
  and we will bring you back to life. 
  Ghazal/Ode 74,
  Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi
  wasalam, arief hamdani
  HP. 08881335003, 0816830748 Book Store for Sufi Books and Article dalam Bhs 
Indonesia Live Performance Rumi Whirling Dervishes

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