
Earnie Boyd wrote on 19/05/07 00:54:
Quoting Greg Chicares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

 # Quoting doesn't help.
 VPATH = "My Source Files"

But VPATH is one of those variables that refers to file paths. Would it be possible to tokenize the space with something like %20? So my foo.mk has the quoted path with a space and internally the space is tokenized?

That would work, other than for people who had filenames with %20 in it... My browser saves html files with %20 instead of space characters, so if I ran make on some html files it might untokenize and not be able to access the actual file.

... and then what if I have both a genuine space and a %20 filename in the same directory..? I think it must be done with a character which will never occur in a standard filename.

Or, rather than the relatively short, (and also common %20), we could use a token which will not likely occur, like a 256bit unique number. (..and pick a different 256bit unique number should the default 256bit unique number show-up in a filename at run-time!).

Cheers, Jon

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