I am totally not familiar with the GNU Make and I need to use "make" to compile 
a project consisting of fortran files. Most of these files are in the "Code" 
subdirectory and the required "Makefile", which is executed by the "make" 
command, is in the "Example" subdirectory.
I am using windows XP and a free g95 fortran compiler. I have the following 
1. where do I find the "make" program?
2. how and where should it be istalled? (what is an effect of this instalation 
and does it matter in which directory it is installed?)
In order to compile this project on the Unix/Linux system, the syntax of the 
"make" for this particular problem was:
where COMP is the name of the compiler (in this case it will be g95)
Successful compilation should produce an executable called "example1" in the 
"Example" subdirectory.
3. what will be exactly the syntax of this command for windows in such a case?
4. should it be invoked from the directory in which the "Makefile" exists?
In order to run the project on the Unix/Linux system, the syntax was:
% ../example1 < example.in > example.out &
where example1 is the name of the executable, example.in and example.out are 
respectively the input and output files used by the executable, and they are in 
another subdirectory.
Could you please guide me step by step and as simple as possible how to solve 
this problem, (compile and run)?
In case of further problems, could I ask You again?
For the help I thank You very much
Best regards,
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