> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 22:52:25 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Garima Aggarwal Arora <arora.gar...@yahoo.com>
> I was trying to inculcate vpath in win32 makefiles. But could not
> find any option which can be used to define the
> library dependency on executable. like -l option for .so/.a do we
> have any option for .lib too ?How do I specify the application
> dependency on libraries in case of win32 .lib with vpath.

I'm not sure I understand the question.  If all you need is to specify
that the executable depends on some foo.lib, just say it:

 target.exe: foo.lib

If, in addition, you want Make to look for .lib files in several
directories, in addition to the one where Make runs, then add
something like this:

 vpath %.lib dir1/subdir1;../dir2/subdir2;d:/foo/bar

Does this answer your question?

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