On 1/21/2011 4:14 PM, Rinehart, Raleigh wrote:

I am reworking some makefiles for our build system and getting a rather
unusual error. During a copy cmd this error is occurring (taken from
make with –d option)

Unhandled exception filter called from program make
ExceptionCode = c0000005
ExceptionFlags = 0
ExceptionAddress = 100143c0
Access violation: write operation at address 2e2e2061

The exact line from the makefile is:

Sorry about the cut off message, the e-mail client we are required to use is not the best for mailing lists.

Anyways, to continue the message, the makefile line that generates the error is this:

        $(CP) $(libraries) output/sharedlibs/$(TARGET)

Where $(CP) is defined to be CP := c:\progra~1\GnuWin32\bin\cp.exe,
The exe is the GnuWin32 windows port of the standard GNU tools.

$(TARGET) in this case is simply 'debug' (sans quotes).

The version of Make is GNU Make (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-68) 3.81, it come from our tools package vendor, Code Sourcery. Which, of course, is the 'lite' unsupported version.

I can run exactly the same command from the cmd prompt without issue. So I'm not exactly sure what the problem may be. Note that we have been using the GnuWin32 toolchain for several years, and this particular version of make for 9+ months and have not had this problem before today.

The only recent changes have been the addition of the $(TARGET) variable, and the order in which the make targets are executed. However, even if I remove the $(TARGET) var the problem persists.

Any one have and ideas or suggestions?


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