I think the fundamental problem you are facing is:
- cmd.exe (and batch files) parse quoting one way.
- where-as programs parse the command line "any-way-they-please", usually (but 
not always) using some compiler-language specific run-time-library (RTL).  
(Unix shells are very different: the parsing is done by the shell and the 
program is provided a pre-parsed argument list).

One work-around you might try is "call" every command.  Since "call" is a 
built-in in cmd.exe, this should start cmd.exe for every command; thereby 
running everything (batchfiles and "real" programs) all under a cmd shell.
          call foo
          call prog1.bat
          call prog2.EXE
Done this way cmd.exe is consistently used, and you "only" figure out quoting 

I'm most(only) familiar with the microsoft's C RTL, it very much parses quoting 
differently from cmd.exe batch files.

Using a fairly recent ms-CRTL version (different versions have slightly 
different behavior) I get this:
  cmd.exe command         argv[1] from ms CRTL
  ---------------         --------------------
  foo.exe "a b"           a b
  foo.exe "a "b"          a b
  foo.exe "a ""b"         a "b
  foo.exe "a """b"        a "b
  foo.exe "a """"b"       a "b
  foo.exe "a """""b"      a ""b
  foo.exe "a """"":b"     a "":b
  foo.exe "a """"""b"     a ""b
  foo.exe "a """""""b"    a ""b
  foo.exe "a """"""""b"   a """b
  foo.exe "a \" b"        a " b

Note in the last example above, a batchfile would see TWO arguments (not one).
  1st: "a \"
  2nd: b"


From: make-w32-bounces+dcampbell=nvidia....@gnu.org 
[mailto:make-w32-bounces+dcampbell=nvidia....@gnu.org] On Behalf Of Erik 
Sent: 2013-05-03 Friday 08:17
To: make-w32@gnu.org
Subject: Incorrect quoting of """" """" in master branch, with SHELL=cmd.exe

When passing """" """" to a shell, it is evaluated to a single word " " if 
cmd.exe evaluates it, but  to an unquoted single space if make short-circuits 
the cmd.exe argument.

Test case:
foo.mk<http://foo.mk> contains:
$(info x is $(x))
    mkdir $(x)

Makefile contains:
    $(MAKE) -f foo.mk<http://foo.mk> x=a"""" """"b

With 3.82 (which lets cmd.exe handle the quotes), this yields:
x is a" "b
With master (which short-circuits it), it yields:
x is a
*** No rule to build target 'b'. Stop.

My actual use case is similar to the 'mkdir' invocation in 
foo.mk<http://foo.mk> (a file with spaces needs to be quoted twice in order to 
be passed to commands in a recursive make). I have found sufficient workarounds 
for my use cases.

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