
I have built a windows-make version of the release-canditate versions
3.99.91 and 3.99.92,
using Visual Studio and MinGW. The result, I.e. make fails if I'm using
parallel builds and the feature  'output-synchronization' with an error
like 'could not create tmpfile'.

After spending some time for debugging, I have detected the "problem":
- A temporary file is used to buffer the outputs (of course)
- this file is created with calling 'tmpfile()'.

As written in
tmpfile() does create a temporary file in the root directory; But in many
cases - e.g. inhibited by NTFS-security or if UAC is active - a creation of
files in the root-directory is forbidden.

IMHO, I think, this type of temporary files should be created like other
needed temporary (batch-) files in the TMP/TEMP-folder (using the
associated environment variable).

Best regards from Salzburg,
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