Hi team,


I wonder why Windows native gnumake.exe defaults to sh.exe ?

Building gnumake.exe with build_w32.bat (which defaults to cl.exe) still
uses sh.exe while IMHO it should default to cmd.exe


In an ideal world, I should be able to get for example all .c source files


FILES   = $(shell dir /b *.c)



        @echo $(SHELL)

        @echo $(FILES)


But if fails unless I first set SHELL as with


SHELL = cmd

FILES = $(shell dir /b *.c)



        @echo $(SHELL)

        @echo $(FILES)


To not break current practice can you please add a new build_w32.bat option



  --without-guile   Do not compile Guile support even if found

  --with-cmd        Use cmd.exe shell instead of sh.exe

  --debug           Make a Debug build--default is Release

  --x86             Make a 32bit binary--default is 64bit

  --help            Display these instructions and exit


Even better if you're able to pass a shell



  --without-guile      Do not compile Guile support even if found

  --with-shell <shell> Specifies default SHELL instead of sh.exe

  --debug              Make a Debug build--default is Release

  --x86                Make a 32bit binary--default is 64bit

  --help               Display these instructions and exit


C:> build_w32.bat -with-shell PowerShell



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