-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Doug Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


New Theory Exposes Cracks in Laws of Friction

"It is one of the dirty little secrets of physics," writes David Kessler
of Bar-Ilan University today in Nature, "that while we physicists can tell
you a lot about quarks, quasars and other exotica, there is still no
universally accepted explanation of the basic laws of friction."

Indeed, one particular conundrum involves the amount of force required to
overcome friction and slide a solid object across some surface. As
counterintuitive as it may seem, Coulomb's law of friction states that
this force varies with the compressive force pushing the object and
surface together-and not with the amount of contact area between the two.

Traditionally, physicists have explained the puzzle as follows: because no
two surfaces are in reality flat-they are rough on the atomic scale-the
amount of contact between them is much smaller than it appears. Increasing
the pressure compressing the surfaces together therefore also increases
the contact area. But a letter to Nature from Eric Gerde and M. Marder of
the University of Texas at

Austin now offers an entirely new explanation, on which Kessler provides
commentary. The two mathematicians attribute friction's independence from
contact area to microscopic self-healing cracks-or cracks that open up and
then reseal themselves.

The simplest way to grasp the idea is to imagine sliding a rug across the
floor. Dragging the rug from one end requires a certain amount of effort.
The task becomes much easier, though, if you create a bump in the rug-in
essence, a self-healing crack between the rug and the floor-and push that
bump through the rug from one end to the other until the entire rug has
advanced. "We show that when [self-healing cracks] are present at the
atomic scale, they result in solids that slip in accord with Coulomb's law
of friction," Gerde and Marder write. "We expect that this mechanism for
friction will be found to operate at many length scales." Further
experiments should soon test their ideas. -Kristin Leutwyler

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