I have now received four very helpful and informative private answers to my
query (from James Butrica, Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Patrick Roper, and
Ioana Milonescu). Many thanks to you all, and that's enough!

it's rather unlikely (I gather) that the NSW motto, "Orta recens quam pura
nites", refers to the moon. Alternatives offered are patria, provincia,
terra, and Maria, the last from Patrick Roper, who suggests that the
composer of the motto, whoever he was, may have been influenced by the
Jesuit Renaissance poet Jacob Balde, who used 'orta' and 'pura nites' in
his 'Poemata' in praise of the BVM. The motto is certainly not classical
Latin, but it does seem to be part of a hexameter. Perhaps a source may yet
be found, but it won't be by me!

An afterthought: perhaps after all the feminine singular noun we're all
looking for is _colonia_. New South Wales was a "colony" before it became a
state in the Australian Commonwealth.

Simon Cauchi

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