Fabio Paolo Barbieri scripsit:

As a published author, I am not exactly an amateur any more -

>though, as having no chair or teaching post, I am not a pro either.  

>My Latin is only so-so and I certainly would not risk writing a

>whole letter in it (I just read with awe and envy the wonderful

>Latin of C.S.Lewis in a correspondence with an Italian priest).  

>However, I would caution against the notion that all professionals

>have fluent Latin and Greek.  It would be desirable, yes, but I have

>found that it is not always necessarily the case.

   Omnia quae dixisti et ego potuissem ipse:  nec opus latino sermone omnibus viris doctis esse, nec umquam plane liquidum sermonem 'Latinum' meum. Invideo  ego  quoque omnibus qui, ut Lewis facit Italusque sacerdos, tam bene Latine scribant. SED ANGLORUM LINGUAM SCRIBERE NEQUEO: possum legere tantum et magno interpretari labore. Sed hic de Vergilio dicendum est, non de me. Revera timeo ne Roperius, tam maledice "increpet ultro" (ut Vergilium fraudem nostrum frequentissima iunctura!).

   Crede mihi, legere quae tam mirifice scribis et tu et sodales istius Fori mihi satis superque est.

>From: "fabio paolo barbieri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Subject: Re: VIRGIL: RE: virgil in translation
>Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 15:51:33 +0000
>As a published author, I am not exactly an amateur any more -
>though, as having no chair or teaching post, I am not a pro either.  
>My Latin is only so-so and I certainly would not risk writing a
>whole letter in it (I just read with awe and envy the wonderful
>Latin of C.S.Lewis in a correspondence with an Italian priest).  
>However, I would caution against the notion that all professionals
>have fluent Latin and Greek.  It would be desirable, yes, but I have
>found that it is not always necessarily the case.
>>From: David Wilson-Okamura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: VIRGIL: RE: virgil in translation
>>Date: Tue, 06 Jan 2004 22:31:25 -0500
>>At 12:06 PM 1/7/2004 +1100, you wrote:
>> >Are we using Latin due to language differences, or would you
>>rather amateurs
>> >not participate?
>>1. Using Latin is optional.
>>2. Amateurs are welcome.
>>David Wilson-Okamura
>>Listowner, Mantovano
>>Dr. David Wilson-Okamura          [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
>>English Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
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