Does anyone know the source for the following anecdote about Virgil? 
It comes from an English translation of the "Pampædia" of J.A. Comenius 
(1592-1670) [Dobbie,A.M.O.(tr.) "Comenius's Pampædia or Universal 
Education"Dover(England):Buckland Hill Publications,p.73-74] 
                                If anyone can send me the Latin text I would be 
grateful for that 
also.[ "Pampædia"("Universal Education") ch.6["Pambiblia"("Universal 
Books")],para.18.9 (N.B.Pampædia=part 4 of "De Rerum Humanarum 
Emendatione Consultatio Catholica"("General Deliberation concerning the 
Reform of Human Affairs"), Prague:Czechoslovak Academy of 

"No one therefore should be allowed to hustle books into publication. 
Writers must make a habit of drafting and redrafting all their work, 
fashioning it by licking it into shape until every book on the market 
conforms exactly to the standard of Polycleitus. Quick products quickly 
die; those of long workmanship live to a ripe old age. Zeuxis once met 
Agatharchus, a fellow artist, who was boasting of his rapid painting, 
with the answer:'I take a long time because my painting is for 
eternity.' When Virgil was complaining that in the space of three days 
he had scarcely composed three lines, and another poet boasted that he 
had done three hundred in a single day, Virgil replied:'That is quite 
possible, but the difference will be that your lines die in three days 
whereas mine will last forever.'" 

Assuming that this anecdote isn't original to Comenius, where does it 
come from? From Donatus'"Life of Virgil" we know that Virgil in 
composing the "Georgics" would dictate a large number of lines in the 
morning and would then spend all day licking them into shape, leaving 
very few by day's end. The Comenius anecdote seems to be a garbled 
memory of  Donatus. But who was the garbler? The anecdote seems somewhat 
apocryphal in that Virgil, being a perfectionist, is unlikely to 
complain about the number of his lines. Who is the other poet supposed 
to be? Mævius,Bævius or Bathyllus?

Peter J V D Bryant
Western Australia
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