I was sitting in a Seattle U-District coffee shop and browsed through the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer for this Tuesday -- Sept. 8, 1998. I turned to
the editorial section. There of all things was an analysis of the Clinton
scandal using a quotation of book six from Virgil's Aeneid. It was by
Gary Wills who --if I recall rightly -- was a Latin scholar before
turning political commentator. Now the last thing I want to do is get
into a political discussion about Clinton on this list but I think the
Wills article shows how relevant the classics can be -- how relevant
Virgil is!

The quote he used as "commentary" was Book Six, Line 126ff.: "easy is the
descent to Avernus; the door of dark Dis stands open day and night. But
to retrace your steps and come out to the air above, that is work, that
is labor!" (the Guinagh translation).

Wills also used Virgil's journey to Hell to comment on the relationship
between public and private. One goes "within" in order to come out and
share, for the common good, what one has learned. The modern day division
of public and private is, according to Wills, a modern day curse.

For the life of me I can't recall the title of Wills' article. I had to
leave it and run. I'll go to the local library and make a copy though.
Any way, get it and read it; it should be in most of the national
newspapers this week.

James C. Wiersum 

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