Actually, I've read a great deal of Romantic poetry.  And, no, I don't
think a liking for the Aeneid has much to do with Romanticism.  A Romantic
hero would have given up everything to stay with Dido.  Aeneas'
sacrifice of personal feelings for the sake of duty is quite the opposite
of the Romantic sensibility.  Whereas classicism accepted limitations and
boundaries, Romanticism sought to explode them.  Ask yourself which
Greco-Roman myths and legends the Romantic poets favored; you find
Prometheus, Endymion, Laodamia, etc.--all the transgressive characters.
You don't find much mention of Aeneas in Romantic poetry.
Randi Eldevik

On Tue, 20 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Obviously you've never read any Romantic poetry.  I think the word 'refulgent'
> to be very spiritual, and even moving within the right context.  I haven't
> been keeping up with the chain of e mails, but this is my opinion on this word
> standing alone.  Of course, diction is often a matter of personal taste or
> necessity--specific to the task and tone at hand.  Give me another word that
> fits the same slot with such panache.  As for it's being pedantic, I'm a blue
> collar guy and I like it.  I'm also the same guy that says Shakespeare got it
> wrong--it should read "Kill all the English professors." I'll give it to you
> that the word is a bit too dreamy and idealistic, but pedantic--never.  And
> besides, don't we read Virgil 'cause we're Romantics at heart--even the stodgy
> and pedantic old farts under which we've all suffered in our time?
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