
I send an excerpt from a late 19th c. English Latin primer:

>From the Bankolidaid, Lib. I

Charmer virumque I sing, Jack plumigeramque Arabellam.
Costermonger erat Jack Jones, asinumque agitabat;
In Convent Garden holus, sprouts vendidit asparagumque.
Vendidit in Circo to the toffs Arabella the donah,
Qua Piccadilly propinquat to Shaftesbury Avenue, ŝores.

Jam Whitmonday adest; ex Newington Causeway the costers
Erumpunt multi celebrare their annual beano;
Quisque suum billycock habuere, et donah ferentes,
Impositique rotis, popularia carmina singing,

Happy with ale omnes-exceptis excipiendis.
Gloomily drives Jack Jones, inconsolabilis heros;
No companion habet, solus sine virgine coster.
Per Boro', per Fleet Street, per Strand, sic itur ad "Empire";
Illinc Coventry Street peragunt in a merry procession,
Qua Piccadilly propinquat to Shaftesbury Avenue tandem.
Gloomily Jack vehitur. Sed amet qui never amavit!

En! subito fugiunt dark thoughts; Arabella videtur.
Quum subit illius pulcherrima bloomin' imago,
Corde juvat Jack Jones; exclamat loudly "What ho, there!"
Maiden ait "Deus, ecce Deus!" ŝoresque relinquit.
Post asinum sedet illa; petunt Welsh harp prope Hendon.

O fons Brent Reservoir! recubans sub tegmine brolli,
Brachia complexus (yum yum!) Jack kissed Arabella;
"Garn" ait illa rubens, et "Garn" reboatur ab Echo;
Propositique tenax Jack "Swelp me lummy, I loves yer."
Hinc illae lacrimae; "Jest one!" et "Saucy, give over."

Tempora jam mutantur, et hats; caligine cinctus
Oscula Jones iterat, mokoque inmittit habenas.
Concertina manu sixteen discordia vocum
Obloquitur; cantant (ne saevi, magne policeman)
Noctem in Old Kent Road. Sic transit gloria Monday.

>From Some Verses by F.S.


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