This is another thing I've been wondering:  everyone who talks about
the Renaissance mythographers Natale Conti, Vicenzo Cartari, and Piero
Valeriano refers back to 16th-c. editions of their works--Conti's
_Mythologiae libri decem_, Cartari's _Images of the Gods_, Valeriano's
_Hieroglyphica_.  Does that mean there have been no recent editions?  If
anybody can steer me to some, it would be a great help.  I would need full
information in order to order from Interlibrary Loan.
     I would also love to hear of any editions of Gregorio Giraldi's _Vita
Herculis_ (1539) or Giovambattista Giraldi Cintio's _Ercole_.  Thanks.
Randi Eldevik
Oklahoma State University

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