I have been asked:

        Is there a children's version of Virgil's The Aeneid? Not 
        dumbed down, but written so a preteen could understand it?

Any suggestions? I am reminded of something C. S. Lewis once wrote, that
"Virgil uses something more subtle than mere LENGTH of time. Our life has
bends as well as extension: moments at which we realize that we have just
turned some great corner, and that everything, for better or worse, will
always henceforth be different.... All through the poem we are turning that
corner. It is this which gives the reader of the AENEID the sense of having
lived through so much. No man who has once read it with full perception
remains an adolescent" (Preface to Paradise Lost [1942], 34-35).

David Wilson-Okamura    http://virgil.org              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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