I quote from Austin's commentary to Aeneid 2 (OUP 1964), ad A. 2,774:

steteruntque comae: cf. E. 4,61 (!), G. 2,129; 3,283 (miscuerunt), A.
3,681 (constiterunt); 10,334 (steterunt). This prosody is found in
Plautus, but only at the end of a verse or colon (...); its advantage in
dactylic verse is obvious, and the elegists in particular found it
convenient in the second half of the pentameter (cf. Platnauer, _Latin
Elegiac Verse_, p. 53).

I also happen to know that there are quite a few good Latin manuals in
German; Raphael Kuehner, _Ausfuehrliche Grammatik der lateinischen
Sprache_, T. 1 und 2 (Nachdruck Darmstadt: WBG) is usually my first port
of call for such problems.

By the way, a search in Clausen's commentary on the Eclogues returned
nothing on prosody of E. 4,61. Mr Clausen was not interested.

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