Bruce Lewis schrieb:
> Dionysian elements of 
> Sophocles' Theban plays and Virgil's AENEID (the Dryden 
> translation).  They are somewhat influenced by "The Birth of 
> Tragedy From Music," which I had them read along with OEDIPUS 
> THE KING and OEDIPUS AT COLONUS.  Any suggestions 
> regarding the elements of the comparisons or contrasts between 
> the works.

Do you mean "The birth of tragedy out of the spirit of music" of Nietzsche? 
And by "Dionysian elements" - do you think about the polarity of "dionysic" and 
"apollinic" at Creutzer and Nietzsche, shown in the "birth of tragedy..."? 
grusz, hansz

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