I really don't want this thread to go any further, and I'm oh-so-glad that
we've moved on to talking about Dryden. Some of you, though, will probably
be relieved by the following note, which I received from a former listmember:

Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 20:25:17 -0700 (PDT)

im sorry  my friend,i choice ligriv88 because of my
real name virgilio 8 letters and sunpayco also 8

I'm bringing this up in public because the issue was initially raised in
public; if anyone considers further discussion of this topic necessary,
please conduct it privately. In other words, do not hit the reply button
and start typing away.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program...

David Wilson-Okamura
Listowner, Mantovano

David Wilson-Okamura    http://virgil.org              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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