At 09:02 PM 3/15/02 +0000, Helen Conrad-O'Briain wrote:
>I have a student who is interested in working on Dante's possible use of 
>Vergilian commentaries.  Would anyone have any suggestions on must read 

On Dante and Servius:
- Edward Kennard Rand, "Dante and Servius," Dante Studies 33 (1916), 1-11
- Ernst von Richthofen, "Traces of Servius in Dante," Dante Studies 92
(1974), 117-128

Did Dante use the commentary attributed to Bernardus Silvestris?
- pro: David Thompson, Dante's Epic Journeys (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 1974), chs. 2 and 9
- contra: Robert Hollander, Allegory in Dante's Commedia (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1969), pp. 96-103 and idem, Studies in Dante,
pp. 71-81. See also Ulrich Leo, "The Unfinished Convivio and Dante's
Rereading of the Aeneid," Medieval Studies 13 (1951), 41-64, repr. in idem,
Sehen und Wirklichkeit bei Dante (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermenn, 1957),
pp. 71-104. 

David Wilson-Okamura              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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