At 09:46 AM 4/29/02 -0400, Joshua Wiley wrote:
>Personally, I'm mostly interested in doing history of ideas and comp litty 
>things with V. Would like to see more this sort of discussion. Should 
>probably just post some questions eventually.

Joshua has the right idea. In the meantime, if you do want out and have
trouble, please let me know PRIVATELY at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Unless I'm out
of town, I usually respond to these requests immediately. Complaining to
the group as a whole may be emotionally satisfying, but it doesn't actually
get you off the list any faster. It may, however, add a week onto your
sentence in purgatory: 

                              aliae panduntur inanes
        suspensae ad uentos, aliss sub gurgite uasto
        infectum eluitur scelus aut exuritur igni...

I'm trying to work out a deal with the pope as we speak. Until then, I remain

Yours affectionately,
David Wilson-Okamura
Listowner, Mantovano

David Wilson-Okamura              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Macalester College      Virgil Tradition: discussion, bibliography, &c.
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