A few last notes on Virgil MSS. in the 

At 11:35 AM 8/23/2002 -0400, I wrote:
>For modern editions, the most important codices are (according to E.
>Courtney) as follows: Mediceus (Laurentian Lib. 39.1 and Vatican lat. 3225
>fol. 76), Romanus (Vatican lat. 3867), and Palatinus (Vatican, Pal. lat.
>1631). Palatinus was in Heidelberg until 1618, and therefore had little or
>no influence on Italian editions of Virgil's work in this period. Venier
>now confirms that Mediceus was used in the second printed edition of
>Virgil's works (1471). Mediceus and Romanus were also used by the most
>important of Virgil's textual critics for this period, Pierius Valerianus,
>on which see below. 

I have been doing some more reading on this subject, and need to make two

1. According to Vladimiro Zabughin, Vergilio nel rinascimento italiano
(1923), 2:99 n. 20, Valeriano's "codex Mediceus" was not THE codex Mediceus
(Laurenziano 39.1), which dates back to the fifth century A.D., but merely
_a_ codex Mediceus (Laurenziano 39.23) which Zabughin places in the twelfth
century. Note, by the way, how Zabughin spells "Vergilio"; 

2. Venier's data does not refute the hypothesis that the real Mediceus was
used in the 1469 edition, but does not confirm it, either. Looking at
Venier's collation samples, I'm guessing that M probably _was_ used in the
1469 edition and that more collations would demonstrate it conclusively,
but Venier is cautious on this point, and insists very rightly that we
can't yet rule out convergent readings from an independent source. 

On the other hand, we do know that at least one scholar was looking at M in
the fifteenth century, because he annotated it in his own handwriting: his
name was Pomponio Leto and his corrections are recorded in Geymonat.

David Wilson-Okamura        http://virgil.org          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
East Carolina University    Virgil reception, discussion, documents, &c
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