Hey Dorin

Did you do a custom install or manual? I did custom but found there were
still some things I had to change i.e. 'Setting Up the PHP Association' and
'Setting Up the FastCGI Association'

Try re-reading the pdf 'Installing and Configuring on Windows' the section
titled 'Configuring MapGuide Web Server Extensions on Windows', and checking
that all of your settings are correct.


James Dudden

dorin wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to install MapGuide Open Source on Windows 2000 Professional. I
> followed the PDF InstallConfigure MgOpenSourceonWindows from osgeo.org.
> I installed MapGuide Server as a Site Server, then I installed MapGuide
> Web Server Extensions - the bundled configuration (PHP). I used the
> default value of for the SIte Server.
> I chose Custom Setup type so I can install the API documentation.
> Then I proceed with the chapter Configuring MapGuide Web Server Extensions
> on Windows - Cofigure with Apache. There is a section: Common
> Configuration Steps that ask to edit httpd.conf like this:
> ***
> There are some steps you must perform whether you are using PHP or JSP as
> a development environment.
> ■ If you are using the Site Administrator or plan to use PHP as a
> development
> environment, configure Apache to process files with the .php extension.
> Edit httpd.conf. Look for the configuration of the PHP engine. Ensure it
> is set as follows, or add the following to the file as necessary.
> ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/
> WebServerExtensions/Php/"
> Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> ■ In the Dynamic Shared Object Support section, ensure that the rewrite
> module is enabled. If there is a comment character at the beginning of the
> line, remove it so it looks like this:
> LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.soThere are some steps you
> must perform whether you are using PHP or JSP as
> a development environment.
> ■ If you are using the Site Administrator or plan to use PHP as a
> development
> environment, configure Apache to process files with the .php extension.
> Edit httpd.conf. Look for the configuration of the PHP engine. Ensure it
> is set as follows, or add the following to the file as necessary.
> ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/
> WebServerExtensions/Php/"
> Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> ■ In the Dynamic Shared Object Support section, ensure that the rewrite
> module is enabled. If there is a comment character at the beginning of the
> line, remove it so it looks like this:
> LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
> ***
> Then the section Configuring Apache to Use PHP says:
> ***
> To use PHP as the development environment with the Apache HTTP Server,
> add the following declarations at the end of httpd.conf.
> ScriptAlias /mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/
> www/mapagent/MapAgent.exe"
> AliasMatch ^/mapguide/mapviewerajax/([^\?])(.*)$
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/
> www/mapviewerphp/$1$2"
> Alias /mapguide/mapviewerajax
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/
> www/mapviewerphp/ajaxviewer.php"
> AliasMatch ^/mapguide/mapviewerdwf/([^\?])(.*)$
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/
> www/mapviewerphp/$1$2"
> Alias /mapguide/mapviewerdwf
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/
> www/mapviewerphp/dwfviewer.php"
> Alias /mapguide
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/www/"
> <Directory
> "C:/Program Files/MapGuideOpenSource/WebServerExtensions/www/">
> AllowOverride All
> Options All
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> AddHandler cgi-script .exe
> RewriteEngine on
> RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]
> </Directory>
> Save the changes and restart the Apache server.
> ***
> I have follwed these stepas, and when I try to Verify the Configuration I
> get this errors:
> 1. Testing the Map Agent:
> I try to connect to http:
> //localhost:8008/mapguide/mapagent/mapagent.fcgi?OPERATION=ENUMERATERESOURCES&VERSION=1.0.0&
> After I type Administrator and admin I get:
> Cannot establish connection. Exception occurred in method
> MgServerConnection.Open at line 95 in file .\Services\ServerConnection.cpp 
> After I change localhost to and type Administrator and admin I
> get the same error.
> 2. Testing the Site Administrator
> I try to connect to: http://localhost:8008/mapguide/mapadmin/login.php
> After I type Administrator and admin I get: Authentication failed. Please
> enter a valid username and password.
> Same error if I change localhost with
> 3. Testing the Web Server Extensions
> I try to connect to:
> http://localhost/mapguide/mapviewerajax/ajaxviewer.php?
> WEBLAYOUT=Library://ATest.WebLayout
> The error: The page cannot be displayed.
> Thank you,
> Dorin

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