Hi Jo (and others),

If you're feeling adventurous, Greg Boone has just added some
preliminary support for Linux builds of PostGIS and OGR to the FDO SVN
trunk.  There are still some glitches though...  :)

I've been trying to figure out how to mount a new virtual disk so I can
start testing on the minimal Ubuntu server I just downloaded; it's been
a while since I've had to do admin-type tasks on *nix...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jo Cook
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] Building MGOS 1.2 on Ubuntu Server 7.04

Thanks! I went through a lot of pain and torment as well (and still am
actually- waiting for a postgis driver I can figure out how to do
anything with). But- I got a lot of help from the mapguide development
team at Autodesk, and eventually got through it. It's cool to be able to
help people in return.
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