2.0 is not delivered with any built-in redlining tools at this point.
That I know of anyway.

DM Solutions has a light-weight editing widget for Fusion which (I would
guess) they may be making available at some point, possibly with a cost

Also, Haris Kurtagic has done some exploratory work into a RESTful
interface to MapGuide that demos simple editing functionality:


You can try it out here:


- Log in as Administrator/admin
- Zoom in until you can see some buildings
- Select Buildings from the drop-down
- Click on the Check Out Features button
- Click on the Modify Feature button and select a building
- Drag some vertices around
- Click on Check In Features button
- Pan to refresh the map and see the change in the base layer

This is just a demo, but gives you an idea of what will be possible
shortly, maybe even in the 2.1 timeframe.  But again, you will likely
need to design the front end to these functions yourself.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Maciej
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 23:05
To: MapGuide Users Mail List
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] MG 2.0 BETA...question about Digitizing&
Redlining - easy change shape.

ok one more time - i try clear up what i mean...

i can make Redlining, i know how to draw a line/polygon,point and then
save it into database...that i easy to do...

BUT question is: are the in new MG 2.0 any function to fast/flexible
editing any shape...user sould simply clik on ex. plygon. and easy
change shape of it....the clik save....

can anybody tell me is it posible in new MG 2.0

BradM pisze:
> Hi, have you tried  editing using sdf3 format and then when you are 
> finished, convert or save your file as a shapefile?

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