You can only display WebLayouts with the viewer.
You must also enter the full path to the weblayout:


Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

dorra2007 skrev:
i have an error message: Invalid repository type.
Whereas the map is displayed in mapguide studio.

NB: I use postgis as data source.

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
Yes, the mapviewerajax should be configured with the correct default page.
If you use the "mapviewerjava", you must add ajaxviewer.jsp page name.
The full url becomes:


Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

dorra2007 skrev:
Thank you Kenneth for the code segment; But there is no folder named mapviewerajax; so I have changed it to
mapviewerjava. I have tried it and the result is the title (This is my
webpage with an embedded map!)+ blank: the map isnot displayed (instead
the map lays a blank square.)
Have you an idea about what the problem can be?

Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
Yes, it is possible.

My favorite  method is to embed the Map in an Iframe:
<h1>This is my webpage with an embedded map!</h1>
<iframe src="/mapguide/mapviewerajax/?weblayout=Library://mylayout.WebLayout&username=Anonymous&password=" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>

By adding commands, do you mean from code?
What sort of commands do you want to add, and why is Studio not an

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

dorra2007 skrev:
Hello all;
I have one precise question: Is it possible to display the mapguide map
my own web page?

If yes; what should I do? And how could I add commands without using
mapguide studio?

Thank you in advance.
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