If you want to parse a general tooltip string, you have to find documentation on which FDO SQL constructs are avalible. You will most likely spend a lot of time on this, since it includes tokenization, operator precedence and other parsing aspects.
It is not parsed by the javascript.

The FDO library can be imported in C# (.Net 2.0+), and you should be able to get the FDO library to parse it for you.

An easier approach would be to try giving the expression to a select statement executed on the datasource.
I have not tried this.

If you get it to work, it would be great if you shared your findings.

Regards, Kenneth, GEOGRAF A/S

BruceWeston skrev:
Hi folks,

I have a .NET application using mapguide and I want to get the information
from a layer tooltip field out as a string and parse it. I have now got to
the stage where I can read the XML definition of the layer and pull out the
ToolTip and URL as strings in my C# code

So, as an example, in the XML layer definition I have
<ToolTip>concat('http://www.testurl.com/Documents/PDFs/', concat("Name",
'.pdf'))</ToolTip> and I want to display
http://www.testurl.com/Documents/PDFs/blah.pdf in my code. (yes I know
that's a URL but you get the point).
Has anyone written a function in c# to parse this? I'm assuming it's some
kind of FDO language that has the concat functions etc, but now I think on
it, could it be that javascript parses it automatically?

Any help much appreciated!


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