We experienced extreme CPU and/or memory consumption when we tested MGOS 2.x with some of our data. We created a ticket(#459 https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/459) to document our problems, and I have been testing this issue with all of the updated releases, and I continue to see the same results. We can't zoom all the way into our maps without the server locking up and consuming all of the CPU, which is stopping us from moving a production environment to MGOS 2. We've been able to modify 1.2 to suit our needs for almost everything with plugins; and if we couldn't add a specific feature, we went in another direction.

So far, that has been a killer for our migration.

Zac Spitzer wrote:
even better is feedback to address this issue..

what have you gathered from the posts which make you hold back?

This is really important information to share, discuss and address...

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