hi ......
thank u mark......
 i think this will be easy for me rather than the previous one.I tried that
but nothing happens.Can u please give more info about that?Shall i make any
changes in www/fusion/widget/maptip.js .

Mark Pendergraft wrote:
> Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but I just downloaded Maestro
> and it appears that you can provide a link to display in the maptip.
> Open the layer in Maestro, and on the right you will see a box named
> "Link".  Use an expression similar to this one:
> Concat(
>            Concat('
> http://www5.kingcounty.gov/kcgisreports/property_report.aspx?PIN='
,  PIN),  ' View Property Report for Parcel' 
> )
> To create a link in the maptip.  This expression strings together a url
> with a variable "PIN" which is the Parcel Identification Number.
> -Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org
> [mailto:mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of DYUTI
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 9:22 PM
> To: mapguide-users@lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] window open
> hi....
> thank u mark.....
> i chose this route because i'm using mapguide maestro.can i use" popup
> maptip with a link to window "in maestro? someone told me it can be used
> with studio only.
> thanx& regards
> dyuti
> Mark Pendergraft wrote:
>> What you have looks pretty good, except that you will need to create a
>> box that covers your point for the mgPolygon.
>> First you need to create a MgCoordinateCollection to populate a
>> MgLinearRing, then you use
> $geometryFactory->CreatePolygon(mgLinearRing,
>> nothing);
>> Take a look at this function.  It uses MgGeometryFactory, and a
> MgPoint
>> to create a box that surrounds the point supplied.  The function
> returns
>> a MgPolygon
>>     Private Function GetBoundingBox(ByVal geomFact As
> MgGeometryFactory,
>> ByVal point As MgPoint) As MgPolygon
>>         Dim pgon As MgPolygon
>>         Dim coordColl As New MgCoordinateCollection
> coordColl.Add(geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(point.Coordinate.GetX
>> - 5, point.Coordinate.GetY + 5))
> coordColl.Add(geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(point.Coordinate.GetX
>> + 5, point.Coordinate.GetY + 5))
> coordColl.Add(geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(point.Coordinate.GetX
>> + 5, point.Coordinate.GetY - 5))
> coordColl.Add(geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(point.Coordinate.GetX
>> - 5, point.Coordinate.GetY - 5))
> coordColl.Add(geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(point.Coordinate.GetX
>> - 5, point.Coordinate.GetY + 5))
>>         Dim linRing As MgLinearRing =
>> geomFact.CreateLinearRing(coordColl)
>>         pgon = geomFact.CreatePolygon(linRing, Nothing)
>>         Return pgon
>>     End Function
>> You can create a MgPoint by doing the following:
>>             Dim geomFact As New MgGeometryFactory
>>             Dim coord As MgCoordinate = geomFact.CreateCoordinateXY(X,
>> Y)
>>             ' create the actual mggeometry
>>             Dim point As MgPoint = geomFact.CreatePoint(coord)
>> The LayerResourceId & schema can be obtained like so:
>>                 ' get the layer to search
>>                 Dim layer as MgLayer =
>> Map.GetLayers().GetItem("your_layer_name_here")
>>                 ' Get the layer resource identifier
>>                 Dim LayerResId As New
>> MgResourceIdentifier(layer.GetFeatureSourceId())
>>                       ' get the layer default schema
>>                       Dim layerSchema as string =
>> layer.GetFeatureClassName
>> As a side note.  Everytime you assign a value to the MgFeatureReader,
>> you will need to close it immediately afterwards.  This has screwed me
> a
>> few times.
>> After you get the point, you can use the MgFeatureReader to
> getString(),
>> or getInteger(), etc.... to obtain the values that you need to pass to
>> your pop-up window.
>> Out of curiosity, why did you choose to go this route instead of the
>> pop-up MapTip with a link to your new window?  The only reason I have
>> code like this in my map is so I can zoom to a point returned from
>> Google Maps when the user enters an address into a search field.  I
> much
>> prefer the simplicity of letting MapGuide do the grunt work.  ;)
>> -Mark
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org
>> [mailto:mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of DYUTI
>> Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:03 PM
>> To: mapguide-users@lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: RE: [mapguide-users] window open
>> hi....
>>   thank u very much mark..
>>  But i've still doubts in this .shall i use
>> "
>> $geometryFactory = new MgGeometryFactory();
>> $mgPolygon = $geometryFactory->Create mgPolygon($gp.x,$gp.y);  "
>> to create mg polygons from the N/E coordinates.
>> Instead of "geom" u have used in vb coding shall i use this
>> $mgPolygon.Then
>> for getting  LayerResourceID & Schema shall i use coding or can i
>> directly
>> give that values..
>> Thanks and regards
>> dyuti
>> Mark Pendergraft wrote:
>>> In VB:
>>> Dim geom As MgGeometry
>>> Dim query As New MgFeatureQueryOptions()
>>> query.SetSpatialFilter("Geometry", geom,
>>> MgFeatureSpatialOperations.Intersects)
>>> Dim fr as MgFeatureReader = FeatService.SelectFeatures(LayerResId,
>>> "Default:Temp", query)
>>> Note that geom is a mggeometry object used to query the layer.  It
>> could
>>> be a point, polygon, etc.
>>> LayerResId refers to the MgResourceIdentifier for a specified layer
>>> "Default:Temp" is the layer's schema name.
>>> In your case, you will probably want to create a MgPolygon from the
>>> point the user clicked.  Then you will use the layer containing the
>>> points you want to display info about to get your LayerResId and
>> default
>>> schema.
>>> -Mark
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org
>>> [mailto:mapguide-users-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of DYUTI
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 11:32 PM
>>> To: mapguide-users@lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] window open
>>> hi all.....
>>>     any one plss tell me how to generate spatial filter. 
>>> any suggestions will be appreciated
>>> thanks and Regards
>>> dyuti
>>> DYUTI wrote:
>>>> Thank u mark ....i'll try this
>>>> regards
>>>> dyuti
>>>> Mark Pendergraft wrote:
>>>>> Here are 2 ways to accomplish what you are trying to do:
>>>>> Option 1:
>>>>> You have a widget which inherits Fusion.Tool.Canvas.
>>>>> Use the mousedown even to get the coordinates clicked
>>>>> Then use 
>>>>> "var p = this.getMap().getEventPosition(e);" to get the event
>>> position
>>>>> "var gp = this.getMap().pixToGeo(p.x, p.y);" to get the N/E at that
>>>>> position
>>>>> Then send your northing and easting to a PHP page and use it to
>>> generate
>>>>> a spatial filter (you may want to create a mgPolygon from your N/E
>> as
>>>>> your spatialfilter in order to make sure you cover the point)
>>>>> Return the selected point, and send it to another page to create
>> your
>>> pop
>>>>> up window populated with the relevant information.
>>>>> Option 2:
>>>>> Use the URL feature in studio to show a link.  Use expressions to
>>> pass
>>>>> the points information into the link, and have the link directed to
>> a
>>>>> custom page which will populate itself with the relevant data.
>>>>> Seeing as you are new to MapGuide, I would highly recommend option
>> 2,
>>> as
>>>>> it requires very little coding and is very easy and user friendly.
>> I
>>>>> have attached a photo of what the URL maptip looks like in my map.
>>> In
>>>>> the picture, the user hovers there mouse over a parcel and the
>> maptip
>>>>> pops up with a link to the parcel's page on the county's website.
>>> All I
>>>>> have to do is pass the parcel number in the link, which is all done
>>> by
>>>>> studio.
>>>>>  http://n2.nabble.com/file/n2315851/Untitled.jpg 
>>>>> -Mark 
>>>>> DYUTI wrote:
>>>>>>   hi..all...
>>>>>>             to open a new window while clicking on the points
>>> displayed
>>>>>> on the map where i've to write the coding...In which file i've to
>>> make
>>>>>> changes..&what change i've to make...plss help me... 
>>>>>> thanks&regards
>>>>>> dyuti
>>> -- 
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