Thank's Kenneth, I think the error I keep getting is that the runtime map does 
not exist yet?

Code fragments:

The viewer is activated at the bottom of the code by the following:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" 
<html xmlns=""; >

<frameset >

        <frame id="viewerFrame" frameborder="no" marginwidth="0" 
marginheight="0" scrolling="no" 

I created the map via:

        Dim map As MgMap = New MgMap
        map.Create(resourceSrvc, mapid, "DemoMap") ' mapid is the resource 
identifier for the map definition 
        Dim layers = map.GetLayers()

Because I kept getting an error when I tried to open the map...

Further down (after setting up the layer definition) I add it to the map:

        'Create the layer definition
        layerDefContent = BuildLayerDefinitionContent(mrkrDataS, featureName, 
        Dim rnull As MgByteReader
        resourceSrvc.SetResource(mrkrLD_ID, layerDefContent, rnull)
        Dim mylegendName = MgLocalizer.GetString("MARKERLAYER", locale)
        Dim layer = New MgLayer(mrkrLD_ID, resourceSrvc)
        layers.Insert(0, layer)
        'create a feature representing this segment and insert it into the data 
        Dim mrkrProps = New MgPropertyCollection
        Dim TipProp = New MgStringProperty("TXTDISP", "")

        Dim URLProp = New MgStringProperty("URLLINK", "")

        Dim agf = New MgAgfReaderWriter()
        Dim geomReader = agf.Write(geom)
        Dim ngeomProp = New MgGeometryProperty("GEOM", geomReader)

        Dim cmd As MgInsertFeatures = New MgInsertFeatures("Marker", 
CType(mrkrProps, MgPropertyCollection))
        Dim commands = New MgFeatureCommandCollection()
        featureSrvc.UpdateFeatures(mrkrDS_ID, commands, False)

The feature insertion works since I extracted the session SDF to check. After 
that the code simply extracts the weblayout, changes the starting center x, y 
and sets a session weblayout.

One way I managed to get this work is have the add marker code be run in a 
hidden frame AFTER the map has been loaded in the main frame. But is there a 
better way?

Thanks again.

>If you have the FeatureSource and the LayerDefinition ready,
>you have to insert the layer into the runtime map, and call Refresh() on 
>the client.
>You may also need to insert the temporary feature into the FeatureSource.
>Does this help you, or do you need further instructions?
>If so, try posting a code fragment that explains what you have,
>and where you get stuck.
>(And yes, it is indeed possible).
>Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
>Ran Mahiru skrev:
>> Hi all, new to Mapguide Enterprise and a former Mapgudie 6.5 user...
>> I've managed to get the ajaxviewer to load a map at a preset center and zoom 
>> by changing the user session's weblayout before display but now I'm trying 
>> to add a feature source from a template and add a feature before display as 
>> well (to create a temporary marker). Is this even possible?
>> I've managed to succesfully create a marker feature source and layer 
>> definition for the session, I think but am at a loss as to how to proceed.
>> Help? ^^;;

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