Hi Chuck,

I see you're using AJAX, so this won't be of direct use to you, but perhaps 
some of the concepts will be useful.  Flexible web layouts (Fusion) contains 
SelectRadius (click and drag) and SelectRadiusValue (to pre-set radius for 
single-click SelectRadius) widgets that do most of what you want.



If you were using Fusion, you could either clone these and hook them up to a 
back-end script that outputs the CSV, or you could look at creating a custom 
renderer for the SelectionPanel widget that either somehow generates the CSV 
itself (not sure how you would do this in JS) or links to a custom back-end 
script that generates the CSV given a list of IDs or the initial selection 


From: cpietra
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:06 PM
Subject: [mapguide-users] Parcel Selection Set written to a file

I am looking for routine that allows for an easy selection of Parcels by
radius user specified at keyboard or as tooltip while dragging out circle.
The selected parcels are then displayed in a window and then the ability to
write info to a comma delimited file.

Using MGE 09 AJAX

Any help would be appreciated_______________________________________________
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