
I'm trying to do a simple job with Mapguide Enterprise 2010 and php but I'm not being succefull.
Hope someone can help.

The goal is to add a session point to a layer from a sdf feature source already created. May be another one, if it becomes easier. I already have a page where the user inputs the coordinates and scale and the piece of javascript does the zoom and scale but than I want to draw a point at that location calling a php page with all the needed parameters including the coordinates.

What's the code for this final php file to add a point to the map?

Here is the code for the input page:

<script language='javascript'>
function gotoxy()
{       var coords=document.gotoxyform.inputbox.value;
        {       var coordsplit=coords.split(',');
                {       if(coordsplit.length==2)
                        {       var coordx=parseFloat(coordsplit[0]);
                                var coordy=parseFloat(coordsplit[1]);
coordy, scale, true);
document.location="zoomxy_execute.php?SESSION=<?= $sessionId ?>&MAPNAME=<?= $mapName ?>&x="+coordx+"&y="+coordy;

<form name='gotoxyform' action='javascript:gotoxy()' method='post'>
        Input coordinates:
        <input name='inputbox' value="-99000,-99000">
        Input Scale:
        <input name='scalebox' value="20000">
        <input value='Zoom' type='submit'>

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