I currently have several XP based laptops running MGOS 2.02 (IIS, PHP) and
one server (MGOS 1.2, IIS, PHP). All of the maps on each were authored using
Studio and each have a 1.05Gb ECW displaying correctly.

However, I can not seem to get the same ECW to run correctly with MGOS 2.1
on another new XP laptop (IIS, PHP).  I’ve tried using both Studio 2009 as
well as Maestro to no avail.
With studio, I use the GDAL provider and connect to an external data source
via a pre-configured alias (C:\Data\ECW_2007). I then select the ECW via the
“data files” and then do a coordinate override. When I add the layer using
this data source and preview it, nothing appears.
No errors show up in the log show up and running in debug mode shows no
errors. I only get messages of type: “GDAL: GDALOPEN
<C:\DATA\ECW_2007/Cornwall_10cm_20-1.aux, this=0146110> succeeds as HFA” (I
think that means no errors...correct?).

I’ve never used Maestro before, but I think I do everything right there too.
I select the GDAL Provider, of “type Single file or folder”, point to my
.ecw in the Aliased folder and override the Coordinate System to UTM83-18.

When I create a layer for this datasource however, I get this message:

*“Failed to read schema from data source.*

*The operation gave the error message: Value cannot be null.*

*Parameter name:  input”*
After that message shows up, I select "default: default" in the Schema drop
down and "Image" automatically appears in the Raster drop down.
If I check the XML of the datasource, the extents shown don’t make any
sense.  This is apparent when I preview a map with the ECW because the map
is centered at 0X, 0Y. Why is that? (See XML below)
I’ve tried repeating everything several times, without success. I really
need this to work. What has changed that this doesn't work anymore?
If anyone wants to test drive the ECW, I can make it available for download.
Let me know.
*<?xml version="1.0"?>*

*<FdoSpatialContextList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";

*  <ProviderName>OSGeo.Gdal.3.4</ProviderName>*

*  <SpatialContext IsActive="true">*

*    <Name>Default</Name>*

*    <Description>System generated default FDO Spatial Context</Description>

*    <CoordinateSystemName>Default</CoordinateSystemName>*


*    <ExtentType>Static</ExtentType>*

*    <Extent>*

*      <LowerLeftCoordinate>*

*        <X>-10000000</X>*

*        <Y>-10000000</Y>*

*      </LowerLeftCoordinate>*

*      <UpperRightCoordinate>*

*        **<X>10000000</X>*

*        <Y>10000000</Y>*

*      </UpperRightCoordinate>*

*    </Extent>*

*    <XYTolerance>0.001</XYTolerance>*

*    <ZTolerance>0.001</ZTolerance>*

*  </SpatialContext>*

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