Hello, I have a problem. I know how to do the following. I
tie some sheets of a tourist site that I have a mapguide application
passing through the coordinates of the element parameters in the URL of
the form "main.aspx? X = 565302.036424 & Y = 4811848.675497.
want the application to start, rather than engaging in the default view
is the weblayout, start at the point indicated in the URL.
I have tested with
String str;
str = "<script language='javascript'> parent.parent.ZoomToView (" + STRX + "" +
Stry + ", 2000, true); </ script>";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript (typeof (Page), "script", str);
My problem is that the map is the ultimate qeu is loaded and when I run it,
then return to the initial coordinates.
Someone can help me? Please do not now where to go.
Thanks and best regards!
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