In Fusion trunk, in MapguideViewerApi.js , the reference to the Fusion window is coded like so:

/* locate the Fusion window */
function GetFusionWindow() {
    var curWindow = window;
    while (!curWindow.Fusion) {
        if (curWindow.parent && curWindow != curWindow.parent) {
            curWindow = curWindow.parent;
        } else if(curWindow.opener) {
            curWindow = curWindow.opener;
        } else {
            alert('Could not find Fusion instance');
    return curWindow;

I would try that function to get it


On 25/11/2010 1:55 PM, Wilson Herrera wrote:
Good day, everyone.

i am designing a map and i need to reach the javascript functionalities in
fusion (zoom rectangle, open legend window), from the parent window (that
is,  mapguide resides inside an iframe), but i havent been succesful in this

to ilustrate my point, let me show you a piece of the interface.

the area with the number 1, is a div inside the main window
the area with the number 2, is an iframe, cointaining a fusion mapguide app.

the iframe is defined as follows

<iframe id="map" name="map" src="
width="100%" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">

i try to call the functions inside in this way (and many others i forgot
without sucess)

1- var Fusion =;   //also tried
2- var map = Fusion.getWidgetById('map');

and then use

3- map.showLegend();

but i got errors in the first line and i think i am doing this in the wrong
way, but my mind has been clouded and cant see what i am missing.

im getting somewhat frustrated here and i welcome any help.

thank you all,

Wilson H.

ps: this is the window layout, the same you can see in the first link. schema.jpg

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