Hello mapguide friends,

I am running mapguide 2.2 RC4 and maestro 3.0 b3! The spatial information I 
have Is in a oracle database and in the Swedish coordinate system  SWEREF (99 
12 00): EPSG 3007. Now I want to combine this with Yahoo or Google maps in a 
fusion layout.
In the map definition  I have first tried to set the coordinate system to  EPSG 
 Visualisation Pseudo 
Maestro didn't like the string above and I got an error message telling me: 
"system.argumentException: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind 
to the same property."
But after a little bit of googeling I found out that the new ESPG for using 
with google is 3857. So I have also tried this WKTEXT string in the map 
PROJCS["Popular Visualisation CRS / Mercator",GEOGCS["Popular Visualisation 
CRS",DATUM["Popular Visualisation Datum",SPHEROID["Popular Visualisation 
This one works but my oracle spatial data pop up in the north see.  I realize 
that I have to do some sort of coordinate transformation of my oracle spatial 
data. Oracle have a built in tool but sad enough I'm using 10g and my 
MDSYS.CS_SRS table isn't equipped with the latest  coordinate systems that 
google/yahoo uses. 
So to my question are if I'm on the right track here or have I misunderstood 

Best regards
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