
I have a problem with mapgide fusion:
When I use Fusion viewer and a Java applet at the same time in an HTML page,
under Internet Explorer Fusion gets freezed every time I do an action on the 
map (zoom, pan, etc.).
When I move the mouse out of the map area, Fusion continues to do the work and 
does it well.
But when I move the mouse over the map area again, fusion gets freezed again: 
any action requested is freezed until I move the mouse out of the map area.
When the applet isn't visible (scrolled out of the screen on large HTML page), 
Fusion works perfectly, but when the applet gets visible again (even 1 pixel of 
it), Fusion gets freezed again.

In the case when the Java applet is visible, and when I move the mouse over the 
map area, also the processor speed jumps up to 50-70-100%. When the applet 
isn't visible, this doesn't happen, processor speed remains around 0%.

This only happens under Internet Explorer (version 8 and 9 were tested) and 
with any Java applet (I tested with an applet contains a simple panel with no 
events). I also tried to embed the applet with two methods: applet and object 
tag, and the problem accurs with both methods. I also tried with different 
operating systems: Xpsp3 and Win7. 

If you have any idea, it will be appreciated,
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