Title: GEMTEC Email Signature
I'm in the same boat as the rest - Fusion looks great, but is just too sluggish/slow in comparison to the basic AJAX viewer...I have to wonder though, if there's some performance tuning you could do - 3-4min to load a map in XP seems ridiculously slow. I've never seen performance anywhere near that slow with my fusion tests. I doubt that Autodesk will let MGE die...but then again, they claim that within 3 years all of their products will be cloud based (I just read this yesterday) - I'm not sure what implications that has on Mapguide.


On 11/09/23 11:57 AM, frosty1_4me wrote:
We have been in the process of moving our GIS apps from the previous 6.5 MG
to use the new MGE version.  In that conversion process we chose to use the
fusion layout as our our interface of chose for the look and features that
it offered.  However, the backlash from users and the speed in which the
application loads has forced us to revisit that solution.

I've got a wide range of users (both internal to the organization and
general public), those users pc configurations and networks are showing very
large performance gaps.  An XP machine running IE 7 takes 3min to 4mins to
intially load the map,  whereas a vista development machine might take
around 25secs.  (these pcs are on the same network connection) These load
times are driving users away from the application.

We have 43 groups and 137 layers in our map, with themes, joins, and db
connections that are unavoidable in some instances.  

Just as a test we created a basic layout with the same map, no changes at
all.  That map loaded in less than 2 secs on newer pc's and less than 5 secs
on the old XP, IE7 browser pc.  Given this massive discrepancy in
performance we are now re-evaluating our layouts to move away from fusion. 
Even though some of the features are better and the layouts nicer, in the
end performance is king.

I've posted on this issue in the past and followed the recommendations that
were made for increasing the performance of fusion, but even stripping down
the map to only 4 groups and 10 layers the fastest I could get that map to
load on older pc's was 30secs and that's with a map that has pretty much
nothing in it.

My question is, is the basic viewer the mainstream layout being used and the
fusion layout a work in progress?  I'm finding it difficult to locate other
organizations that are actually using MGE to compare.

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/fusion-viewer-performance-vs-basic-viewer-tp6824506p6824506.html
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