you just need to resave or flush the featuresource in mastro,
the schema info is cached, hence your problem

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 8:05 PM, David Das Neves
<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> i have a problem which one of you may have got in touch with.
> I have set in the Maestro a Shape by a Shape folder. Afterwards i created
> the different Layers by pointing on the created shape.
> Now i have some changes in the shp-Files like some new or changed columns.
> If i open the Layer in the Maestro the new or changed columns are updated
> correctly but i cannot save it because It causes an error:
> Failed to find schema Default:xyz in the featureresource xyz
> Even if i make the changes in the xml the data can not be shown in the
> mapview.
> For testing purposes i created a new configuration pointing on the new layer
> with the new/different columns and configurated it like it was before.
> This way somehow works but results in a lot of extra work for every layer.
> Does someone have a better solution for me how to get changed layers to
> work?
> Best regards
> David
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Ennoble Consultancy Australia
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