Right now the response times of the profiling tool are somewhat similar to
the ones experienced by the users, around 6-8 seconds (but sometimes these
figures crack up to even 30-40 seconds and we haven't run some profiling in
these circumstances yet.)

We just run some profiling runs and we noticed that a couple of layers
pointing to quite huge postgresql tables (1.5 millions of records w/ a
spatial index set over the relevant geometry column) are taking quite a few
seconds to render.

However we also noticed that these times are very unstable. If we run the
profiler a few times consecutively the same layer can take from less than
800ms to more than 3000ms to render.

The strange (in our opinion) thing is that manually performing select
queries over the spatially indexed column of the db table leads to very
consistent results in terms of execution time, so we are puzzled on what may
be causing the variability in the performance reporting tool results.

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