
I'm using the Kaliopa Mobile Viewer to display my MapGuide map and it works
great so far but now I would like to add Open Street Map as BaseLayer but my
map is always placed somewhere in the black sea.

I know I have to set the right projection in Openlayers but how?

In Maestro I can see the following information about the Coordinate System
of my Map.


If I understand this correctly, then I get EPSG:4326, because I see
"TOWGS84" in that string, right? But OSM works with EPSG: 3857. So I tried
the following openlayers map Option:

projection: "EPSG:4326",
displayProjection: "EPSG:3857"

But this does not do anything, my map is still in the black sea.
Could someone give me a hint?

I'm working with OpenLayers 2 and MapGuide Server 2.5.2

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