I may have interpreted your original email wrong.

Are you getting a 413 from a MapGuide-hosted WFS layer (ie. A feature
source with WFS publishing metadata applied), or is the 413 coming from a
feature query to a feature source that uses the WFS FDO provider (ie.
MapGuide *is not* the WFS server)?

Because if it's the latter (a feature source using the WFS FDO provider)
then the 413 error looks like a problem from the WFS service you're
contacting and that's beyond our control at that point.

My original reply assumed the former, but the stack trace you posted
assumes the latter.

If it is indeed the latter, perhaps hook up fiddler or any other HTTP
traffic interception software and see what the actual WFS requests being
made are that is triggering a HTTP 413 response.

- Jackie

You wrote:

Thanks Jackie,

Yes, both the WFS (MapGuide) server's IIS is set to max sizes for Request

parameters and POST/GET requests.

The Select Within in Fusion calls:

GetParent().Fusion.xml2json(callback, r);

which causes the error

*Exception: An exception occurred in FDO component. Error occurred in

Feature Source (Library://WFS/SANDBOX_WFS.FeatureSource): Unexpected error

encountered while accessing the server. (Cause: The requested URL returned

error: '413 Request entity too large: request URL path too large'. , Root

Cause: The requested URL returned error: '413 Request entity too large:

request URL path too large'. ) -

MgRenderingServiceHandler.ProcessOperation() line 83 file


- MgOpQueryFeatures.Execute() line 125 file


- MgServerRenderingService.QueryFeatures() line 1093 file


- MgServerRenderingService.RenderForSelection() line 1823 file


- MgServerFeatureService.SelectFeatures() line 451 file


- MgServerSelectFeatures.SelectFeatures() line 331 file


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