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From: mapguide-users <> On Behalf Of 
Sympatico via mapguide-users
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 9:56 AM
To: 'MapGuide Users Mail List' <>
Cc: Sympatico <>
Subject: Re: [mapguide-users] Loading Shapefile on fly using add layer manager




As a suggestion, perhaps you can ask your users to convert Shp files to Geojson 
files with the ogr2ogr converter


As another suggestion, try programming your viewer including the shp2geojson.js 








De : mapguide-users < 
<> > de la part de H A via 
mapguide-users < 
<> >
Envoyé : jeudi, septembre 21, 2023 10:42:13 a.m.
À : MapGuide Users Mail List < 
<> >
Cc : H A < <> >
Objet : Re: [mapguide-users] Loading Shapefile on fly using add layer manager


Hi Jackie, 


Thank you for your prompt email. Is there any other way like using leaflet, 
fusion, and MapGuide rest to be able to load shapefiles? 





On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 6:57 AM Jackie Ng via mapguide-users < 
<>> wrote:

Most of what mapguide-react-layout can/cannot do is driven by the underlying 
OpenLayers library we're using.


OpenLayers cannot create client-side vector layers from SHP files, so there 
will not be such support in mapguide-react-layout either.


- Jackie


You wrote:

I’d like my webpage’s user to load either shapefile or tab file from their
local machine using external layer manager. I use manguide react layout so
the users are enable to add their data in GeoJson, kml and csv which is
good. But I want them to be a ale to load their shapefiles or tab files to
the map. Please advise how to proceed? And if you plan to that as
additional option in the new version of map guide layout? Or let me know
which JS code in the source files should be updated or change from our


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