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Dee and others
I imagine that Peter Dickson has seen the light and realises that his  
closing statement was over the top, see his reply some hours later to the  
initial criticisms:
: I think what I meant to suggest that it was okay to quote from my post  
with an appropriate citation back to me or share it with others in an  
appropriate manner with other interested scholars but not to republish it in  
other format without my approval or post it "as is" somewhere without my  
name as the author.
and I think it is only fair that when someone like PD does not simply  
wrirte an email but shares his ideas, research and theories that such a rider 
 added. Although 99.9% may be sufficiently covered by a text book from 
which it  is quoting or extracted, occasionally someone may share a completely 
new idea.  It is right that this be acknowledged.

I can't  imagine anyone quoting from a doc. without citing the source. 
Plagiarizing is  unthinkable in the case of your posting.  

Dee - given the current scandals in Germany I think it is sometimes naive  
of us to believe that every person is as careful as we would like them to 
be. At  least five eminent people have had their doctor titles taken from them 
in the  last twelve months, the most spectacular being the previous Defence 
and  Economics Minister who is now moving to America (where he will try 

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