If you have a Map Window open with a vector map of the same area as the raster
image, you can then use Table>Raster>Select Control Point from Map.  When you
select a point off the vector map which corresponds to same location in raster
image, the control point dialog should pop up with that coordinate info pulled
into it from the vector map and associated now to the raster image.


 From:    "Matt Fowler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/30/99      
          08:51 PM GMT                                            
 To:      "MapInfo-L List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    
 Subject: MI Raster registration                                  

I am going soft in the head or were you once able to click on the
map -during raster registration- and pull the coordinates instead of typing
in the dialog box?  Is this an example of software DEvolution?

Matt Fowler, Pres.
Solid Earth, Inc.

I am going soft in the head or were you once able to click on the map -during raster registration- and pull the coordinates instead of typing in the dialog box?  Is this an example of software DEvolution?
Matt Fowler, Pres.
Solid Earth, Inc.

Matt Fowler.vcf

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