The storage problem may be easier- how about burning them onto a CD-Rom?

-----Original Message-----
From: Landis, Bill @ Phoenix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: MapInfo Mail List 1 (E-mail) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 16 July 1999 1:50
Subject: RE: MI Aerial Photography - Printing and Storage

>Remote sensing details aside, sounds like you are running into the dreaded
>MI raster resampling feature.  MI can't print 24 bit color at 24 bit to
>postscript printers.  It resamples the raster to 8 bit to print.  That
>the problem.  The problem is that it uses the Windows color pallet for the
>resample, thus your images look like they are at a low resolution, when in
>reality they do not have enough colors to properly represent the image.
>Scan your images at 1200 dpi, but if you are going to print them in MI then
>you will have to resample them to 8 bit yourself with Photo Editor.  Just
>make sure that when you resample them you have PE create an optimized
>pallet.  The images will degrade slightly, but most will not be able to
>distinguish the difference.
>You are going to run into the same problem with Mr. Sid files.  That is why
>I do not believe that Mr. Sid is a good solution for MI.  Besides ER Mapper
>will give you a better compression tool for free and ER Mapper's format has
>plug-ins for MI, AV, AutoCAD, PhotoShop and other apps.  But even with ER
>Mapper you will run into a printing problem.
>There is a company, Engineering Mapping Solutions that has a good solution.
>Their product EMSView is a stand alone viewer that will display your
>compressed images as a single image and export them out to all major GIS
>apps in 24, 16 and 8 bit TIFFs (world and tab files included).  They have
>even developed a mbx that will allow you to import an image from within MI.
>Their number is (602) 870-7811.
>Hope this helps,
>Bill Landis...
>Information Management Director, Global Mapping Services
>CB Richard Ellis
>P 602 735 5233  F 602 735 5655
>"If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished."  - unknown
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Heapy [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 7:15 PM
> To: 'MapInfo-L'
> Subject: MI Aerial Photography - Printing and Storage
> Our Council has just had some aerial photography flown at
>1:5000 and are
> investigating at what DPI we should have this scanned at ie
>600 or 1200
> We are currently testing both, obviously the 1200 requires
>more storage
> and cost but gives an improved image on the screen and
>prints better.
> However both images that are printed through MapInfo 5.5 in
>the layout
> seem to loose a fair amount of quality compared to being
>printed in say
> Photo Editor.
> Also has anyone used and printed images compressed with Mr
>Sid over a NT
> network.
> All comments, sugestions and ideas regarding DPI
>(resolution), storage
> and printing would be appreciate
> Regards
> Steve
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