Neil Havermale wrote:
> One of the "organic" methods to control bugs on veggies is to 
> use Bt fungai to infected most pests and rotted them from the 
> inside out. It is dusted on to the crop and remains a widely 
> accepted "certified organic" method.  Now the the Bt gene has 
> been inserted into several crops.
> At this pace of adoption all corn could be Bt ready in less than 10
> years.

To which Bill Thoen responded:
>They are meddling with things Man was not meant to know! 
>(No I don't really belive that, but I think they ought to pay
>attention to the way evolution works.)
>developed and widely distributed GMOs. Didn't the agribiz learn
>anything about the dangers of monocropping in the 30's?

I think I have to agree with Bill's alarm. I don't think we understand 
biotechnology or ecology enough to deploy it on the scale we are. It 
especially worries me that I as a consumer have no choice - I can't 
decide -not- to purchase/eat non-transgenic produce unless I know
the person who grew it (and can therefore ask or investigate in 

The Summer '99 issue of Whole Earth Review has some really good
articles on this issue. One of them is available online at (the hardcopy
version has more articles).


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